Medicom Toy Star Wars Wicket Ewok Bearbrick 400% Limited Edition 2006
Raro Be@rbrick 400% rilasciato da Medicom Toy nel 2006, dedicato a Wicket Wystri Warrick, l’ewok protagonista del episodio IV di Star Wars, “Il ritorno dello Jedi”.
Wicket era un Ewok maschio, guerriero e poi capo del Bright Tree Village sulla luna forestale di Endor. Pronipote di Erpham Warrick, Wicket era il terzo figlio di Deej e Shodu Warrick, dopo Weechee e Willy ed era il fratello maggiore di Winda.
Il Bearbrick riproduce l’ewok nei dettagli fisici, ma anche nel pittoresco abbigliamento del film. Sul retro riporta una grande scritta “Star Wars” sulle spalle, e subito sotto il nome “Wicket“. E’ stato prodotto in 2006 pezzi, presentato al Wonder Festival 2006 Winter, e venduto in due tranches, i primi 500 pezzi direttamente distribuiti durante l’evento, il resto distribuito da Takara Tomy e venduto nei negozi.
In perfette condizioni, molto difficile da trovare, rarissimo.
Rare 400% Be@rbrick released by Medicom Toy in 2006, dedicated to Wicket Wystri Warrick, the ewok star of episode IV of Star Wars, “The Return of the Jedi“.
Wicket was a male Ewok scout, warrior and later Chief of Bright Tree Village on the forest moon of Endor. The great-grandson of Erpham Warrick, Wicket was the third son of Deej and Shodu Warrick, following Weechee and Willy and was the older brother of Winda.. On the back there is a large “Star Wars” sign on the shoulders, and immediately under the name “Wicket“.
It was produced in 2006 pieces, presented at the Wonder Festival 2006 Winter, and sold in two tranches, the first 500 pieces directly distributed during the event, the rest distributed by Takara Tomy and sold in stores.
In perfect condition, very hard to find, very rare.