Medicom Toy Plus Fragment Design Rabbrick 400% Clear Hiroshi Fujiwara 2016


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Medicom Toy Plus Fragment Design Rabbrick 400% Clear Hiroshi Fujiwara 2016 First Transparent Rabbrick Ever

Straordinario Rabbrick 400% realizzato da Medicom Toy in collaborazione con Fragment Design.

E’ il primo Rabbrick trasparente mai realizzato, era in vendita soltanto nel negozio ufficiale Medicom Toy Plus di Shibuya City a Tokyo, dove si entra solo tramite raffle.

Prodotto in tiratura molto limitata nel 2016, era praticamente introvabile fuori dal Giappone.

Il toy è totalmente trasparente, sul petto ha un grande “#1” rosso, proprio a simboleggiare che questo è il primo Rabbrick trasparente prodotto.

Sulla schiena invece ci sono 4 frasi scritte in stampatello:
“I am number one”, “I am naked”, “It is cold”, “And this is just the beginning”.

Infine altro bel dettaglio sulla nuca, dove è stampato il logo Fragment Design.

Oggetto nuovo, in perfette condizioni, come si vede nella fotogallery.


Extraordinary Rabbrick 400% produced by Medicom Toy in collaboration with Fragment Design.

It’s the first transparent Rabbrick ever made, it was on sale only in the official Medicom Toy Plus store in Shibuya City, Tokyo,  (only raffle entry ticket).

Produced in very limited edition in 2016, it was practically unobtainable outside Japan.

The toy is totally transparent, on the chest has a big red “#1”, just to symbolize that this is the first transparent Rabbrick produced.

On the back instead there are 4 sentences written in block letters:
“I am number one”, “I am naked”, “It is cold”, “And this is just the beginning”.

Finally another beautiful detail on the back of the neck, where the Fragment Design logo is printed.

New object, in perfect condition, as you can see in the photogallery.